Truth of clear skin max treatment reviews
Truth of clear skin max treatment reviews
Clear Skin Max. What is Acne?
Acne is an extremely common and distressing condition that affects the skin’s oil glands. The small holes in your skin (pores) connect to oil glands under the skin. These glands make an oily substance called sebum. Inside the follicles, oil carries dead skin cells to the surface of the skin.
When the follicle of a skin gland clogs up, this is when a pimple develops. Acne can cause unsightly and in rare cases – permanent scarring but it is not life threatening. Acne develops when the hair, sebum and skin cells clump together to form a plug.
A bacterium grows in the plug that causes swelling. Acne is the most common skin disease. It is estimated that as much as 80% of the population aged between the age of 11 and 30 will experience some form of acne. Even those in the older generation, as old as in their fifties (though less common) can suffer from acne.
The sole cause of acne in the first places not established, though people have many theories. Whether you eat a lot of fatty foods or a lot of chocolate and crisps plays no part in acne although it is true that eating well can only benefit your complexion, acne (in the first instance) is not caused by what you eat.
Older women can have acne due to the hormonal changes when pregnant and those who take the oral contraceptive pill can also suffer acne as a side effect. The quicker the acne is treated the lesser the incidence of scarring.
What Causes Pimples?
There are many factors that cause pimples/acne and it varies in its severity. Stress can cause flare ups in some, side effects of certain medications, even allergies. Some people will only get very mild pimples, others will get very severe acne although this is thought to run in the family, so if acne or pimples have occurred in your family It is likely you will suffer from a few in your lifetime.
Many things can irritate or make acne flare up but pimples are caused from when the hair follicles in your pores in your skin get blocked and the sebaceous gland produces an excessive amount of oil. Bacteria accumulating in the sebaceous glands
A collection of dead skin cells
Overactive sebaceous glands producing too much oil due to hormone fluctuations
Using oily make up, such as greasy foundations and overly thick moisturisers
The skin around the pore can swell and a white plug formed of dead cells of oil can form, this is what is what is known as a whitehead. If the plug does not fully close the pore you get a black appearance which is called a blackhead.
Pimples can become infected when the whiteheads rupture underneath the skin’s top layer. This allows the dead cells, bacteria and oil to seep into the surrounding tissue.
If this outbreak is very widespread and severe, you could develop an infection called cystic acne which is very large, unsightly and painful red bumps Even if the boils disappear you could be left with permanent scarring. Prompt treatment of this is essential to minimise the possibility of permanent scarring so visit your doctor as soon as possible.
Understanding different skin types.....
Your skin’s health is largely determined by diet, lifestyle habits, and sun exposure, which can sabotage healthy skin and leave lasting effects on skin strength, resiliency, and appearance.
In the early 1900s, four different skin types; dry, oily, combination, and sensitive, were identified and characterized by Helena Rubinstein.
Dry Skin
The oily secretion of the sebaceous glands, which contains wax esters, sterol esters, cholesterol, di- and triglycerides, and squalene is believed to protect the skin from environmental influences and, when production is lower, contribute to dry skin. When the body’s natural oily layer on the skin dries out, the skin is unable to produce enough oil and moisture for the body to replenish the amount being lost.
Oily skin
Sometimes also known as acne prone skin, Oily skin is particularly common in adolescents and young adults. At this age there is a dramatic increase in sebum production under the influence of the hormones. Oily skin is characterized by the abundance and nature of the sebum excreted at the skin surface by the sebaceous gland, target organ of androgens. It is most frequently encountered in adolescents and young adults. In severe cases, various forms of acne can develop. An oily skin is also thick, well moisturized and covered with a protective oily film.
Sensitive skin
Sensitive skin is more common, with more than 40% of people claiming to have such skin. Sensitive skin is generally considered as skin which is easily irritated and probably has a genetic element. Sensitive skin can be associated with a medical condition called atopy, where people have an inherited predisposition to eczema, hay fever and asthma. About 15-20% of the population has the genetic ability to develop eczema, asthma and hay fever.
Combination skin
Also known as “mixed” type of skin, this skin form is considered variable when exposed to different external and internal factors such as weather, climate, medicines intake, diet consumption etc.,